Support !Khwa ttu
!Khwa ttu is a non-profit company that seeks to redress the deep disadvantages San have experienced. We strive to restore dignity and cultural pride, while navigating a practical path between the old ways and the new world. We are committed to the preservation of traditional knowledge and the development of skills to equip San to thrive in the modern world.
The San have remarkable attributes, skills and knowledge. Understanding their history - which is our shared history - reminds us of who we are.
"We cannot change history, but we can work on making more justice in our lifetime." - Irene Staehelin.
Friends of !Khwa ttu
Our loyalty programme is called Friends of !Khwa ttu.
As a Friend of !Khwa ttu, not only do you help sustain this unique Centre, but the small membership fee entitles you to:
- FREE unlimited access to our extensive hiking, cycling and garden trails
- FREE access to all Heritage Centre buildings and exhibitions
- 50% discount on all guided tours
- Personal access to !Khwa ttu for hosting your own special functions
- Personal invitations to exclusive events at !Khwa ttu
- Membership lasts for a year.
You can become a Friend at !Khwa ttu - ask us on your next visit!
Partnering for Funding and Development
!Khwa ttu is a vibrant combination of practical learning and livelihood opportunities, fixed exhibitions, revolving guest exhibitions, interactive outdoor experiences and extensive community outreach work.
!Khwa ttu's extensive and vibrant spread of heritage, conservation and learning activities means there is always something that we are developing in hand with outside funders.
Moreover, the flexible nature of our approach, means we are always ready to listen should outside funders wish to explore ways they might partner with us or contribute to our work.
Thank You!
Many people and organisations have helped !Khwa ttu in countless ways, to all of them we are immensely grateful. In particular we would like to acknowledge and thank: