Kukummi - News

What’s blowing in the wind?

Indigenous Connections

Dr. Chris Low of !Khwa ttu San Heritage Centre on attending the 2023 ATALM (Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, & Museums) Conference in Oklahoma, USA.   The...

Bringing Back the Archive: A New Temporary Exhibition launched in September 2023

!Khwa ttu is very excited to report the opening of our new temporary exhibition on 29th September 2023. This is the outcome of a long term working relationship with some...

New Ways – New Hope

In June our museum curator, Magdalena Lukas, visited the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology to consult with staff about co-curating an exhibition at the !Khwa ttu San Heritage Centre,...

Restoring balance with the Green Team

Before !Khwa ttu the land on which the Heritage Centre is built was disturbed by many years of intensive agriculture which transformed the natural vegetation and resulted in a great...